Corrugated packaging

Jobba hos FrontPac

Packaging material

Vi tillverkar vår egen well till dina wellförpackningar vilket ger oss full kontroll på materialets sammansättning. Alla skikt i wellpappen består av svensk råvara för hög kvalité och liten miljöpåverkan. Detta gör att vi även snabbt kan ställa om till specialkvalitéer.

Corrugated packaging

Corrugated packaging is suitable for products that place high demands on the packaging's stacking strength and durability, but should also be used as messengers of marketing and important information. This is achieved by printing in Offset in one of our printing presses.

Transport packaging

We offer both standard and special models of corrugated packaging that protect your products during transport. The packaging is available in thicknesses up to 7 mm, with or without print. Together we develop a solution that suits your needs.

We have worked with packaging for several decades and with the help of our extensive knowledge we can help you increase your sales.

Do you want to know more about corrugated packaging?

Gefle Kartong & Display

The company is a complete supplier of packaging, display materials and packaging in corrugated and solid cardboard. Our products are of a high quality and we create customized solutions regarding design, function and logistics.
