+46 40-691 40 00 — info@frontpac.se


If you want a good end result you need to work with a good prepress department with professional staff. We have that. The prepress department work in the best software in the latest version in a mac environment. The final processing of the originals is done in ArtPro. Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to contact Lise-Lott Lilja or Catarina Lindskog.


Lise-Lott Lilja
040 – 691 40 16


Catarina Lindskog
040 – 691 40 07

FTP server and checklist

We have a FTP server for uploads and downloads of originals:

For username and password, please contact Lise-Lott Lilja or Catarina Lindskog.

In order to give you the best possible quality and service we would like you to send us original that is as good as possible. In this way, you avoid unnecessary surprises.
som möjligt. På detta sätt undviker du onödiga överraskningar.

• Ensure that you have an accurate drawing from us as a basis for your original.

• When you submit the original, it is an advantage if you enclose a copy of how you want the finished product to look like.
It can be a paper printing (preferably, but not necessarily, in color) or a low resolution PDF.
lågupplöst PDF.

• We prefer documents in EPS, AI or high resolution PDF, but can accept most formats for
both PC and MAC.

• Bleed objects (such as pictures or tint blocks) should have a bleed of at least 5 mm in order to
eliminate the risk of unprinted column in the document’s edge.

• A common problem is that our customers use fonts that we do not have.
This can be remedied fairly easily: Vectorize / create outline on all the text or attach all fonts used in your original.

• Sometimes there can be empty text fields remaining, which generates error messages for fonts that are not really used.
To avoid this there are in many programs a ”cleaning operation”.
In such as Adobe Illustrator, you mark all the artwork and then choose Object –> Path –> Clean up.

• Italic, fat and other variants of the font should be genuine.
Some programs use their own features to make for example a bold version of a font that does not really have any real fat.
Avoid using these.

• Images should have a resolution of 300 DPI.

• An image can usually be enlarged to a maximum of 120-130% without affecting the result too much.

• If linked images are used – do not forget to attach them.

You can send your original to us via our FTP.

Contact Lise-Lott Lilja for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact Lise-Lott Lilja at +46 40-691 40 16 or lise-lott.lilja@frontpac.se

To optimize artwork for our printing press, we use a custom color profile (based on Fogra 39 profile but reduces the total amount of color to a maximum of 270%). 

Do you have any questions about prepress?

Do not hesitate to contact us!