+46 40-691 40 00 — info@frontpac.se

Speak Up

We have introduced a whistleblower system that you can use if you suspect that someone is breaking our rules in the workplace. It could, for example, be about a violation of the law, sexual harassment, violations of internal rules or serious ethical deficiencies. The system should not be used for small cases but for cases of a certain level of seriousness.
It is important to us that our company culture is open, safe and trusting. For us, it is important that violations of rules and unethical behavior come to light - and are dealt with correctly. We want to run a company that not only follows rules but is also characterized by strong values ​​and high ethical standards. Who we are and how we behave are decisive for the trust in us - the trust from our customers, suppliers and partners as well as from the society we are a part of. 


If you use the system, it is completely anonymous. No one will be able to find out who made the report.  

You can access the whistleblower system here: