Gefle Kartong


Gefle Kartong & Display tillverkar förpackningar av hög kvalitet i både well och solid kartong. Dessa material har olika fördelar och egenskaper. Vi hjälper dig välja det material som passar bäst för just din produkts förpackning och förutsättningar.


In order for your product to be exposed in the best possible way, we offer you a number of different options within display. We offer, among other things, larger display racks in well for floors, but also smaller displays adapted to counters or other smaller surfaces. 


We offer both standard and special models of corrugated packaging that protect your products during transportation. The packaging is available in thicknesses up to 7mm, with or without print. Together we develop a solution that suits your packaging needs.

You are welcome to contact us

Gefle Kartong & Display

The company is a complete supplier of packaging, display materials and packaging in corrugated and solid cardboard. Our products are of a high quality and we create customized solutions regarding design, function and logistics.
